The Articles of Incorporation are filed with the State of Florida.

We Are Making Lives Whole

Licensed Professionals

Individual Treatment Plans

Quality Care
Get In Touch to Get Started! Call: 904 358 1211
In 1998, CRC was able to acquire our home location – a 16,000 square foot facility at 623 Beechwood Street. This facility has a full commercial kitchen, counseling offices and multipurpose rooms.
From here we are able to conduct a wide range of services from food drives to counseling sessions for those we serve.
In 2002, CRC received our CARF Accreditation.
The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities is an international, non-profit organization founded in 1966 with the assistance of Mary E. Switzer, then U.S. Social and Rehabilitation Services commissioner.
Branched out into economic development; began developing 8,000 square feet of physical space for business enterprises in the Pearl Plaza on N. Pearl St. in Jacksonville.
CRC houses it’s transportation branch, and grants office out of separate locations and offers expanded health testing in the community.
In 2021 CRC has expanded to a new office on Beach Boulevard, offering integrated health services for young adults and those with extreme persistent mental illness.
This notice describes how Community Rehabilitation Center (CRC) may use , disclose or share your Protected Health Information ( PHI). Please review it carefully.
By law, we are required to maintain the privacy of your protected health information and provide you with a copy of our Notice of Private Practices with respect to your protected health information and to abide by the terms of our Notice currently in effect.
Protected health information may be information about health care we provide to you. It may also be information about your past, present, or future physical or mental health and medical condition. We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information. We will not use or share your information other than as described in this Notice unless we receive your consent in writing . You may also change your mind at any time regarding your written consent for sharing of your PHI.
How We Used or Share Your PHI Information:
Information that is only used as reasonably necessary to provide treatment and care, improve treatment and care and to process your application for treatment which may require communication between health care providers, service providers, pharmacies, insurance companies, payment sources and other providers. We may also be legally required to share your medical and non-medical information that is permitted by law to government entities and legal authorities. We can share health information about you for certain situations such as reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or domestic violence preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety.
Information We Do Not Share or Disclose:
Information about your financial situation, medical conditions and personal care that you provide to us in writing, via email, on the phone (including information left on voicemails), contained in or attached to applications, or directly or indirectly given to us and is held in strictest confidence. We will not share medical information received by a 3rd party.
We do not disclose, exchange, or disseminate any information about applicants or clients who apply for or actually receive our services that are considered client confidential, restricted by law, or specifically restricted by a client in a signed HIPAA consent form.
Limited Right to Use Non-Identifying Personal Information from Biographies, Letters, Notes, and Other Sources:
Any pictures, stories, letters, biographies, sent to us become the exclusive property of CRC. We reserve the right to use non-identifying information about our clients (those who receive services or goods from or through us) for fundraising and promotional purposes that are directly related to our mission. No identifying information to include photos, addresses, phone numbers, contact information, last names or uniquely identifiable information will be used without the client’s express advance consent. You may specifically request that No information be used for promotional purposes, but you must identify any requested restrictions in writing.
What are Your Rights:
You have the right to see, review and get a copy of your protected health information that we keep in certain groups of records that are generated from CRC.. If you want to see or get a copy of your protected health information, ask us or complete our Medical Records Request Form available from our Medical Records Office. If you want a copy of your information, we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the costs of copying or with transmitting the electronic health record.
You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your Protected Health Information (PHI), receive reasonable confidential communication of PHI, inspect, and obtain your medical record by written request, with some exceptions, and to receive a notification from us following a breach of your unsecured protected health information
You may request that we amend health information we maintain that you believe is incorrect or incomplete. You may request that we limit the use and disclosure of your health information. We are not required to agree to your request. CRC reserves the right to deny certain requests allowed by HIPAA, to which you may make a further appeal.
Notice of a Breach:
We are required to notify you of any breaches of Unsecured Protected Health Information as soon as possible, but in any event, no later than sixty (60) days following the discovery of the breach.
HIPAA Privacy Complaint:
If you believe that CRC , an employees or its business associate violated your health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy, Security, or Breach Notification Rules, you may file a complaint with the Office The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for Civil Rights (OCR). You will not be retaliated against for filing a complaint. If you have any questions or need help filing a complaint you may email OCR at or call the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights toll-free at: 1-800-368-1019, TDD: 1-800-537-7697.
Contact Information for CRC: If you have any questions, wish to make a request to access your health information, or would like another paper copy of this notice, please contact us at (904) 358-1211. We may ask you to make the request in writing.